what are the writeConflicts in mongodb

The writeConflicts metric is used by storage engines that implement optimistic concurrency control (for example, WiredTiger).
This metric is reported in:
  • mongod log lines for write commands
  • output of the db.serverStatus() command

Example: mongod log lines for write commands

The following mongod log entry displays an update query with its execution statistics. Note the writeConflicts:84 metric:
2017-08-06T0:50:04.461-0400 I COMMAND  [conn1022] update mydb.mycollection query: { _id: 1 } update: { $inc: { myCounter: 1 } } keysExamined:1 docsExamined:1 nMatched:1 nModified:1 keyUpdates:0 writeConflicts:84 numYields:85 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 87, w: 87 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 87 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 86 } }, Metadata: { acquireCount: { w: 1 } }, oplog: { acquireCount: { w: 1 } } } 2998ms
Most of the time writeConflicts is zero. writeConflicts:84 is an atypically high value for a command, especially in this case where it is only updating one document.

Example: output of the db.serverStatus() command

In the output of db.serverStatus()metrics.operation.writeConflicts counts the number of write conflicts that the mongod process encountered since its last restart:
mongo> db.serverStatus()
  "host" : "testhost123.corp.internal",
  "version" : "3.4.7",
  "metrics" : {
    "operation" : {
      "scanAndOrder" : 71513,
      "writeConflicts" : 6490211
The important element to track from metrics.operation.writeConflicts is the rate of increase over time. For example, the following script determines the average write conflicts per second:
mongo> var wc_start = db.serverStatus().metrics.operation.writeConflicts;
mongo> sleep(60000); //1 min
mongo> var wc_end = db.serverStatus().metrics.operation.writeConflicts;
mongo> print(((wc_end - wc_start) / 60) + " write conflicts per sec on average.");
db.currentOp() output does not include write conflict metrics.

What do writeConflicts indicate?

Every type of command that performs a write can encounter write conflicts, including less frequently run user commands such as creating indexes and dropping collections. Administrative commands that write to a system collection, such as createUserreplSetReconfig, and enableSharding, can also encounter conflicts although it is very rare. In practice, you are only likely to see notable writeConflicts on your busiest, user-made, non-system collections.
A non-zero writeConflicts metric indicates that WiredTiger has detected an update that could potentially create a data concurrency violation. The update does not fail, nor is it sent back to the client with an error. Instead, the writeConflicts metric increments and the update is retried by MongoDB until it completes without a conflict. From the client perspective, the write succeeds and is otherwise normal except for increased latency.
Because WiredTiger uses optimistic updates for document-level concurrency, writeConflicts indicates that multiple clients are trying to update exactly the same document within the same fraction of a second. This window is the time between the execution of the WiredTiger API's WT_SESSION::begin_transaction() and WT_SESSION::commit_transaction() operations. There is no fixed minimum time for these operations. It could be double or even single-digit microseconds if the amount of data to be written is small and the server has no queues for CPU or memory channels. There is no fixed maximum time either, although it is somewhat dependent on the performance of the server.

Internal writeConflicts process

  1. The storage engine returns a status value of WT_ROLLBACK from the document-update function.
  2. The MongoDB integration layer wrapping the storage engine API throws a WriteConflictException.
  3. That exception is caught at a higher scope of the operation's execution thread.
  4. The operation's writeConflicts metric increments.
  5. The operation is resubmitted at increasing intervals in following cycles of WiredTiger transactions until it succeeds:
    • It is retried immediately three times.
    • After 4 retries a sleep of 1ms is applied before each successive retry.
    • After 10 retries the sleep period increases to 5ms.
    • After 100 retries the sleep period increases to 10ms.

When does writeConflicts indicate a problem?

Small number of writeConflicts/sec

A small number of writeConflicts per second does not usually indicate a problem. For example, 10 conflicts per second does not have a performance impact on a server that processes a thousand operations per second. Data concurrency is preserved with only a small latency cost for those conflict updates, which is measured in milliseconds or even microseconds between one storage engine logical commit and the next. The difference in average server latency is negligible, and is unlikely to be noticed by a client that must also deal with network latency.

Large number of writeConflicts/sec

A large number of writeConflicts per second can create performance issues. For example, 100 updates for the same document that arrive simultaneously are much slower than 100 updates for different documents. The reasons for this difference are:
  • The server must execute 100 commits serially, rather than 100 updates in parallel that are executed in a single or small number of commits.
  • The server executes an exponential amount of CPU work:
    • WiredTiger creates 100 MultiVersion Concurrency Control (MVCC) versions of the document, of which 1 is kept and the others are discarded.
    • 99 updates are retried. X updates, where X <= 99, reach the WiredTiger layer simultaneously. X MVCC versions of the document are created, and 1 is committed while the others are discarded.
    • The remaining updates are retried in the above fashion until all are successful. In order to commit n updates, an exponential number of uncommitted updates must be created. That exponential factor is quadratic in the worst case.
The back-off timing logic in the internal retry process might reduce the number of attempted-but-discarded updates, but not if the application continues to queue more updates to the same document.

What to do if you see a large number of writeConflicts/sec

WiredTiger write conflicts are caused by several application processes, or threads within a multi-threaded application, all competing to update the same document at the same time. To address the issue, first identify the offending operation, then improve the corresponding update logic in your application.

Identify the operation causing conflicts in the mongod log file

An operation causing conflicts records a writeConflicts:XXX field in the logs, where XXX is a number greater than 50, and likely over 100.
At the default log verbosity a command is logged only if it takes longer than the slowOpThresholdMs span to execute. Write conflicts often result in slow operations, but you can lower slowOpThresholdMs to capture operations below the 100ms default, or run the db.setLogLevel(1, "command") command to log all commands.
Search the logs for operations with a high number of writeConflicts. For example, you can use grep to find operations with over 100 writeConflicts:
grep 'writeConflicts:[1-9][0-9][0-9]' [pathToLogfile]
Depending on the situation, you may need to lower the conflict threshold. For example, this variation looks for operations with more than 50 conflicts:
grep 'writeConflicts:[5-9][0-9]' [pathToLogfile]
If nothing appears in the logs but the serverStatus metrics indicate a high rate of writeConflicts/sec, raise the log verbosity and wait until the issue occurs again.
In situations where conflicts appear in many different operations, you may need to refine your search. For example, this script finds the top 20 commands with the highest number of writeConflicts to date:
grep 'writeConflicts:[1-9][0-9]*' [pathToLogfile] |
sed 's/^.*writeConflicts:\([1-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1\t\0/' |
sort -nr | sed 's/^[1-9][0-9]*\t//' |
head -n 20

Improving update operation patterns

After identifying the update operation that your application runs in parallel, consider:
  • what the application is trying to achieve
  • if the operation is required
  • alternative methods that reduce the total number of updates to the same document
For example, if the document is an application-wide counter, you could delay the update for 100ms and combine other count increases that occur in that period before sending. That is, you could send one update of {$inc: N} rather than N updates of {$inc: 1}.


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