Mtools for mongodb logs analyzer

mtools is a collection of helper scripts to parse and filter MongoDB log files (mongod, mongos), visualize log files and quickly  for performance tuning and debugging the mongodb logs easily.
The following tools are in the mtools collection:

slices log files by time, merges log files, filters slow queries, finds table scans, shortens log lines, filters by other attributes, convert to JSON
To get the collection scan collections 
 mlogfilter mongod.log --planSummary=COLLSCAN
To get the slow queries more than 1000ms 
mlogfilter mongod.log --slow 1000
To get the errors,warnings 
 mlogfilter mongod.log  --word assert warning errors
To get the how many queries execute the queries on namespace
mlogfilter mongod.log --namespace admin.\$cmd --slow 1000

returns info about log file, like start and end time, version, binary, special sections like restarts, connections, distinct view

visualize logfiles with different types of plots (requires matplotlib)

creates a self-contained html file that shows an interactive visualization in a web browser (as an alternative to mplotqueries)
mlogvis mongod.log --out mongo.html

a script to quickly spin up local test environments, including replica sets and sharded systems (requires pymongo)

generates structured pseudo-random data based on a template for testing and reproduction
Usage of the tools :
Mloginfo reads logs generated by MongoDB and returns informations about the usage of the database. In our case, we wanted to monitor and profile our request to define the ones which will be take a long amount of time and the ones which will be used the most.
The queries section will go through the log file and find all queries (including queries from updates) and collect some statistics for each query pattern. A query pattern is the shape or signature of a query (similar to an index definition) without the actual query values for each field.

mloginfo --queries logs.mongo/mongod.log

namespace              operation        pattern                              count     min (ms)    max (ms)    mean (ms)    95%-ile(ms)    sum (ms)

myCol.$cmd               findandmodify    {"ID": 1}                          916493         101       10486          277          453.0    254423325
myCol.User               count            {"activeSeg": 1, "updatedAt": 1}   68           30135     1413998       419353      1350776.4    28516024
myCol.InactiveUser       count            {"inactiveSeg": 1}                 32

This option can be used to sort the results of the --queries
mloginfo mongod.log --queries --sort count
mloginfo mongod.log --queries --sort sum 
The restarts section will go through the log file and find all server restarts. It will output a line per found restart, including the date and time and the version.
mloginfo mongod.log --restarts
The distinct section goes through the log file and group all the lines together by the type of message (it uses the "log2code" matcher). It will then output a line per group, sorted by the largest group descending. This will return a good overview of the log file of what kind of lines appear in the file.
mloginfo mongod.log --distinct
The connections section returns general information about opened and closed connections in the log file, as well as statistics of opened and closed connections per unique IP address.
To ge the open and closing connections info 
mloginfo mongod.log --connections 
Outputs information about every detected replica set state change.
mloginfo mongod.log --rsstate 


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